Town Board



3rd Thursday each month (7:00 pm, Austerlitz Town Hall)

All meetings of the Town Board are open to the public

The Town Board, comprised of the Town Supervisor and four Council Members, is the governing board of the town.

Some of the responsibilities of the town board include:

  • Filling vacancies in town offices
  • Providing for the hiring of such employees as necessary for conducting the town’s business
  • Overseeing town operations
  • Adopting budgets
  • Fixing salaries of officers and employees
  • Managing expenditures
  • Establishing policies and procedures and enacting local legislation. 

Minutes of current meetings are available on this website as well as documents associated with current and upcoming meetings.

Please note, submission of any requests for inclusion on a town board agenda must be received in the Office of the Town Clerk no later than the Friday before the meeting.

Any questions or concerns, please contact the Town Clerk’s Office.